The domain lists interface can be opened after logging in and selecting the project by pressing the “Content Analysis” button and selecting “Domain lists”. On the opening site list of the added domain lists can be seen. To watch the statistics to a domain list click on its name.
On the opening site list of the added domain lists can be seen. To watch the statistics to a domain list click on its name.
On the “Content count” tab the count of categorized and uncategorized contents and the content count increase rate of the domain list. The time interval for the data can be seen on the top right corner.
On the “Social signal of discovered contents” shows the social impact of the contents of the domain lsits. It shows what are the share/comment count for the given domain domain list. Historical results can be seen by setting the time interval.
The current statistics are available under the “Social signal of measured contents” tab.
To create a new domain list write in the desired name into the “Add new domain list” and save it by pressing the plus (+) button.
By pressing the "Edit" button located next to the domain list name, you can enter the editing interface.
On this site the domains of the freshly created domain list can be set. A domain can be added by marking the checkbox next to it. Important to note, that for full market statistics it is recommended to create a list containing all the already added domains.
After finished editing the domain list can be saved by pressing the “Save” button.
To delete a domain list press the “Delete” button next to it.